Idaho® potatoes are delicious, nutritious, and loaded with important vitamins and nutrients, like Vitamin B6, Potassium and Vitamin C, that help keep your body fueled and strong all day long! They are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and a good source of dietary fiber.
Serving Size 1 potato (148g/5.20z)
Amount per Serving - Calories 110
% Daily Value*
Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, with one potato providing 30% (27 mg) of your daily recommendation. This water-soluble vitamin acts as an antioxidant and can stabilize free radicals to help prevent damage to cells. Vitamin C also aids in collagen production, a process that helps maintain healthy gums and is important in healing wounds. Vitamin C boosts iron absorption and may help support the body's immune system (Gropper 2008). Data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals indicates that potatoes rank in the top five of dietary sources of vitamin C for Americans (Cotton et al. 2004).
Potatoes are among the top sources of potassium. In fact, potatoes have more potassium per serving than any other vegetable or fruit, including bananas, oranges, or mushrooms. Research suggests that diets rich in potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke and help lower blood pressure (Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, 2010).
Potatoes are a good source of potassium – an extremely important nutrient. According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, adding just 1600 mg of potassium a day to your diet can lower your risk of stroke by 21%. One medium Idaho® potato contains 759 milligrams of potassium and provides roughly 25% of the recommended daily dose of this essential nutrient.
And, here’s an interesting fact... while 89% of Americans consider bananas to be a significant source of potassium, only 27% associate potatoes with potassium and yet a potato has nearly twice the amount of potassium per serving (759 mg) as a banana (422 mg)!
Did you know that 97% of Americans aren’t meeting their daily potassium requirement? That’s an alarming number, especially since approximately 70 million Americans have high blood pressure.
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, a water soluble vitamin that plays important roles in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It helps the body make amino acids that the body uses to manufacture various proteins.
One medium potato with the skin provides 2 grams of fiber, which is 7% of the daily recommendation. Dietary fiber, a complex carbohydrate, is the part of the plant that cannot be fully digested and absorbed in the bloodstream. Dietary fiber has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including improving lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, and increasing feelings of fullness, which may help with weight management (Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010).
Carbohydrates are a major source of energy for the body. There are two types: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are found in many types of foods, from sweets to fruits and vegetables to milk. Complex carbohydrates may be referred to as starches. Grains and grain products, beans, and some vegetables and fruits provide complex carbohydrates. Potatoes contain both carbohydrate types.
America's favorite potato is certified by the American Heart Association as a heart-healthy food. What exactly makes a fresh Idaho® potato heart-healthy? Only 110 calories for a 5.2 ounce spud, 0g fat, 0g cholesterol and 0mg sodium. The well-recognized heart check mark reminds consumers that eating potatoes is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The Idaho Potato Commission and the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) have announced a multi-year partnership, making fresh Idaho® potatoes the first vegetable to participate in the ADA's esteemed Better Choices for Life program.
With the rising awareness of gluten intolerance and celiac disease, many people are searching for delicious and nutritious gluten-free options. Following a gluten-free diet can be a challenge, and sorting through the lists of foods permitted can sometimes be overwhelming. Fortunately, many foods are naturally gluten-free, including some whole grains and all fruits and vegetables, including the potato! Idaho® Potatoes are nutritious, delicious and 100% gluten-free. They are also an excellent source of fiber, which may be lacking in the gluten-free diet, as well as other important nutrients.
If you are trying to reduce or eliminate gluten from your diet, we've compiled some of our favorite recipes that are gluten-free. However, brands and ingredients may vary, so we always recommend checking the label on the products you choose to use.
With news of the nutritious value of Idaho® potato sweeping the country, there’s some major jealousy going on in the produce department these days.