EAGLE, IDAHO, February 9, 2005 – Visitors may experience dejá vu when they attend the United Fresh Fruits and Vegetable 2005 Produce Expo and Conference in Chicago April 30 through May 3. On the heels of her appearance at last year's Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Conference in Anaheim, CA, Dawn Wells will reappear as the Idaho Potato Commission's special guest at United.
Dawn's familiar face will undoubtedly create a stir at the Idaho Potato Commission's booth, with people lining up for an autographed picture and some face time with the famed 60s sitcom star.
Still puzzled over Dawn's connection with potatoes? It's simple: The Idaho Potato Commission is a major sponsor of Spud Drive-In Family Fun & Music Festival (that's SpudFest for short) and SpudFest was created by Dawn. As a resident of Idaho Potato Country, Dawn is an avid home chef and has a passion for the world's best tasting spuds. Her kitchen is always stocked with a pantry full of Idaho Potatoes available for just about any occasion.
"PMA was an incredible success. Dawn is a staunch supporter of the Idaho Potato Commission and her enthusiasm is infectious. Just ask her fellow castaways who were on hand at PMA. Dawn, Russell Johnson (the Professor) and Bob Denver (Gilligan) drew hundreds of people to our booth," said Seth Pemsler, VP of Retail, IPC. "The overwhelming popularity of the Gilligan's Island gang was unprecedented. It just made sense to bring Dawn back for another round."
IPC Booth Details
Susan Hughes
Foodservice Consultant
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