Dear Editor:
Sweethearts aren't the only ones who celebrate in February. Spud lovers everywhere also get a piece of the action with the entire month dedicated to loving potatoes. In honor of Potato Lovers Month and the upcoming National Nutrition Month in March, the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) and fitness guru Denise Austin are offering an informative pamphlet, A Fun Way to Fuel Up, showcasing easy-to-follow, healthy lifestyle tips and nutritious recipes.
In 2004, Denise partnered with the IPC to launch a Healthy Lifestyle Tips Contest on the IPC website. Thousands of consumers submitted their favorite exercise and nutrition tips detailing how to get motivated to start a healthy lifestyle regime. The contest ended December 31st - just in time to compile winning tips for this pamphlet.
Experts agree one of the best ways to stay fit and trim is to eat a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner and a couple of snacks throughout the day to stave off hunger and boost metabolism. In addition, eating fiber-rich carbohydrates like those found in fruits, vegetables (including Idaho Potatoes), and whole grains can help you lose weight. As a busy mom, Denise knows how difficult it is to balance this type of healthy eating plan with a hectic lifestyle. So, she gathered simple strategies and recipes for moms on the go. Not only does the new pamphlet offer readers a sampling of Denise's favorite fitness tips, but it also provides you with a few delicious and nutritious Idaho Potato recipes to help you stay on track.
To obtain copy of this pamphlet, send a self-addressed-stamped (one .37 stamp) envelope (business-sized envelope – Number 10; approximately 4" x 9.5") to:
Evans, Hardy + Young, Inc.
A Fun Way To Fuel Up
Idaho Potato Commission Pamphlet
829 De La Vina Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Be sure to look for the Grown in Idaho seal to guarantee you are getting the best - Idaho Potatoes. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 805-963-5841. Visit our website for many more flavorful recipes and healthy lifestyle tips
Susan Hughes
Foodservice Consultant
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